Gee, let me think about that...............okay, I would love to (guess how long that thought process was?)
I had a hard time with the settings on the camera, but not with my royal subject. She was more than eager to run from one spot to another and strike a pose for me. The only problem with this was I wanted a natural unposed look. I will take what I can get though and I will be happy! Did I just say that? I must be tired...

Chelsea is back in the mode that she wants me to take pictures of her, so now I get pictures of her face and not just the back of her head as she is running away from me. She really enjoyed this photo shoot also because we got to go on a field trip to the river to explore. She is fearless, and yes, although I told her 100 times not to get too close to the river so she wouldn't fall in, she was able to slip and get her shoes wet.

Instantly she says, "But I am sorry Grandma!" Well hey, that makes it okay then doesn't it? Heck they are only shoes, they can be washed and dried again, or they can become river shoes and we get her new good shoes. What a change in outlook from my kids. I am however very gratefull that she didn't fall in. I wasn't too excited about going in after her, who would of taken pictures of that moment?