Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Castle Park

You just aren't American if you don't think these aren't the cutest faces you have ever seen. During Spring Break Ronda and I braved the weather and took the kids to the park. Although officially named Pioneer Park, Chelsea has named it The Castle Park and Landon calls it The Wood Park. Anyway you spell it, the kids love it. It took us 2 1/2 hours to convince Chelsea to leave so we could go to McDonalds and play there. Landon is such a good sport with Chelsea. Kinda like Ronda is with me...LOL. Chelsea and I both kinda like to be in charge, make the rules, change them to see fit, and insist it is done our way, and then Ronda and Landon both just say Okay, we can do that.
Landon was great for getting Chelsea to pose for a picture and I am not sure she knew it most of the time. She has some lessons to take from him though on how to pose. That kid has more poses and facial expressions than I ever dreamed of. LOVE IT.
They played on the slides, climbed the wall (although not one of their favorites), dug in the sand, and anything else they could find to do.
I think Chelsea is pole dancing here but not sure. I do know that Ronda had to set her camera to a very fast setting to capture her, she doesn't stay in one spot for more than a few seconds.
You about had to be there to enjoy the tire swing pictures. They weren't happy if the swing slowed down even a little bit and the higher the better. Most of the time they were sideways they were swinging so high and Chelsea would just throw her head back and laugh hysterical.
All in all, we got over 300 pictures from our outing. Not bad since my battery died in my camera as soon as I got there, Ronda brought her camera and and extra one for me. The one I had the battery went dead after about 10 pictures and Ronda's card was full. After some creative swapping of cameras and cards and a lot of
patience, we got some terrific pictures. I won't bore you with all of them, well, maybe just a few...


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

What GREAT pictures!!! I especially love the one in your sweet :)

A.S.K.-P. said...

300?! OMG!
Great pics they were tho. Like Sarah, my fav is the one you used for your header. Second would be the other one of you two. How DID you narrow it down to this from 300?!

Nice seeing you the other day. Even if it was just a glimpse.

Love Ya!

Ronda said...

That was a great day! Sun, snow, wind, laughter, sand, swings, tears, more snow...and pictures, pictures, pictures! Let's do it again!

Lindsay said...

why wasn't I invited??

Lindsay said...

:) kidding... what a great day!! those photos are AWESOME!!

Lacey Lichi said...

Isaac would have enjoyed this play date! Of course, not as much as me. Love the header pic and the one of Chelsea with her head on her hands staring off into the distance- very sweet.

sueellieslife said...

Sounds like the perfect day to me! So glad y'all had such a good time!
Great pictures!

Melisa Jo said...

Great pics, great memories, great fun. Thanks for sharing your Castle Park Adventure!!

3TravelBugs said...

Great pictures! She is so adorable!