Sunday, June 8, 2008

Special Friends

"To Imagine is Everything"
Since Chelsea was big enough to stand up in the bathroom she has loved to close the two mirrors around her like this. She jabbered and jabbered, and the whole time I thought she was just enjoying looking at herself.

Well, now that she talks clearly I am understanding this facination a little better. For the past year or so she tells us these are her friends. Well, duh, how silly of us to not know that. Friends is plural although I am not sure how many friends she has in those mirrors but I do know it is the cutest thing in the world to witness her talking and playing with them.

And the older she gets she learns more tricks to play with her friends. Here you can see she is dancing with them. I think she likes the friendship she has with these friends because if she wants them to dance, all she has to do is dance and they follow suit.

Her friends have names but I haven't got them all down yet but you can bet I will be listening close to find out.

The mirrors always need cleaned when she is done visiting with her friends, but such a small price to pay for the total enjoyment I get watching and she gets from her "playtime" Don't you just wonder what she is telling them here in these pictures? Does it get any better than this?


RobbinGaye said...

How our imaginations build who we grow up to be and what we can accomplish.... she is a gem and what great things she will do...

sueellieslife said...

I could only see the last photo, but I can just imagine the rest! What a cutie you have there!!

Melisa Jo said...

I can just hear her talking to her friends. I just love her!

Anonymous said...

Where would kids be without their friends? This is the best.