Sunday, February 15, 2009

Help me decide....

If you know me you know that I can never make up my mind where my hair is concerned. Okay, maybe on a few other issues too, but this is my dilemma today. I am thinking about going back to bangs, the funny thing is when I went to find a picture of me with them I was amazed how long it ago it has been, I think it was 2004. are a few pictures I could find..the older ones with bangs I still had dark hair. We have bangs, and short and long hair. We also have small double chin and large double chin, that is another issue we will address later!
Whatever you do, don't tell my hairdresser that I am even thinking about a change, she will freak out. Every time I go in she grabs the scissors and asks me if I want bangs. Do you think she is trying to tell me something?

Your vote counts....but you need to hurry before I completely change my mind on this one. Just so you know, I already feel sick to my stomach just thinking about this. I am so not like my dear friend Ronda who will sit in the chair and tell her hairdresser to just do whatever she wants. way, no how could I ever do that, and my hairdresser (Shelli) understands this about me. The therapy isn't helping!!!!
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Anonymous said...

I am your daughters age and I'm not sure my opinion matters too much since my taste is prob similar to Christen's and you haven't listened to her but its worth a try so here I go...I like the bangs but I think you should try the ones that swoop to the side. No fluffy ones, just simple!I think its our duty to keep our mom's in style, so trust us:)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

go for it! just don't do the straight across stuff! ha ha! cute as you were in the old ones... you need the modern bangs!

CHANGE is so fun!!!!!

Ronda said...

Bangs! Bangs! Bangs! Whatever your hairdresser wants to do! Did I tell you that I think you should bangs???

Yes, Bangs!
Bang it up girlfriend!
You can do it! Yes, you can!

Ronda said...

Have you decided on bangs yet????
I can't wait!
Yes, go with the bangs!

Lindsay said...

Bangs! DO IT!!

Suzie said...

When you get bangs, remember there is more maintenance to them and you'll have to see your hair dresser more often or you'll be hacking off uneven pieces of the bangs that are in your eyes.


Suzie said...

Also...if you get your bangs cut, does that mean your young shadow will do the same thing (Chelsie)? lol She looks soooo much like you!

Anne said...

I'm gonna buck the trend here. I like the no-bangs-shorter bob look.

I have bangs..and they are kinda bugging me lately...

but don't let me change your mind...I'm one of those that says, 'Just make it cute, Shelli...'

Good luck and post 'after' pics!

Anne said...

I'm gonna buck the trend here. I like the no-bangs-shorter bob look.

I have bangs..and they are kinda bugging me lately...

but don't let me change your mind...I'm one of those that says, 'Just make it cute, Shelli...'

Good luck and post 'after' pics!

The Oregon Thorndikes said...

I think your gorgeous no matter what! Bangs or no bangs your the queen! :)

The Oregon Thorndikes said...
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RobbinGaye said...

I agree with my daughter...either is beautiful. I do, however, think that the soft bangs look a tad 'younger' and fresh....did you ask your husband what he thinks...?

Anonymous said...

You're gorgeous with or without bangs... however, I'm liking the no bangs, shortish, flip style. Just me... I let my hairdresser do whatever she wants. No decisions, just surprises.

Ronda said...

Have you got your hair cut yet? I am waiting to see the bangs! Do you want me to come and hold your hand? You know I will!

kirsten said...

i'm late on the vote, but i also vote no bangs...
there's looking young, and then there's looking 15....(you with bangs!!)
i like your look sans bangs, just sayin'.....
if you've already been...let us know what you did and post pics!!