Sunday, October 3, 2010

River Photo Shoot

Photo shoots have taken on a whole new meaning since Ryder was born. He is proving to need a little more coaching than Chelsea did. I for sure need a better camera that takes pictures faster. I have a very short window of time to take a picture of him before he is off and running. I seem to get a lot of the back of his head these days.

Ryder doesn't really say any words yet but here he is saying "cheese". I don't know where he picked that up but it is kinda cute and I get a cheesy smile out of him. Once again, I have to be quick.

I can count on my hands how many decent pictures I have of the two of them together. Usually he is arching his back and trying to get away. This was one of the better ones of the day. Did I mention we were down by the river? This was a job for more than one person. I had the choice to take pictures and let him jump in the river or hold on to him and avoid me having to go get him out. He was in heaven and I was exhausted when we were done. Next time Papa has to come along to help me out.

So, the next day Chelsea wanted to go back to the river with just us so we could get some more pictures. I have trained her well. She will pose wherever I want her too and she comes up with her own ideas for how I should take her picture. This one reclining in the tree was my favorite. She melts my heart for sure.

It didn't take long before she thought the shoes needed to come off and away she went in the water. Yes, I was nervous and had to caution her several times to not get out too deep in the water. She listens much better than Ryder who makes Dennis the Menace look like an angel.
It was fun to watch her romp around in the water and play.
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Teach Me Grandpa...

Children are so eager to learn and they want to do everything that we do, as you can see here. Mark and I try very hard to include Chelsea and Ryder on whatever it is we are doing, whether it is washing dishes, cleaning the house, building furniture in the garage and now....playing the violin. It was a bit embarrassing how much dust was on the violin case when Mark dug it out though.

I am always amazed and a bit jealous when Mark gets his violin out. He picks it up and begins playing as if he had played everyday of his life. Of course the kids got the biggest kick out of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" because they knew that song.

Immediately they jumped right up by him and wanted to help him out. Now let me tell you, that was a beautiful noise. Both kids got to take a turn holding the bow and playing while Papa did his best to hold the violin and control the strings.

I love the expression on Ryders face as he is taking his turn. Probably the stillest he has ever sat. (I am thinking Mark should work on that farmers tan he has going though.)

No matter what talents they choose to pursue, we will always stand ready to encourage them and do what we can to be all they can be.
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