Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dancin the Day Away

Boy, did these two ever have a fun day together. Molly and Chelsea are both girly girls and love to dress the part. After we refinished the hard wood floors we took our time in moving the furniture back in, so Chelsea thought it was her own dance studio. I think she loved the sound the shoes made on the floors. I should of tried to get video of this event but they were moving too quick, it was all I could do to snap these.
I give them a perfect "10" on this dance move. They are in perfect unison and I am sure they didn't have a clue. Oh, to be young again, to be so full of life.
Molly is always willing to pose for me when I get the camera out, and Chelsea won't let anyone get more attention from me than she is getting. This makes for fun pictures when Molly comes over to play.
It will be fun to watch these two cousins grow up together. I know you will find this hard to believe but Chelsea is the bossy one and Molly is the follower. This fact makes me a little nervous, as I can only imagine the places Chelsea will take Molly. I think stong supervision will be required.
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Who ever said, "all dressed up and no place to go"? I am never afraid of a challenge, so when I needed to go to Wal Mart, I just loaded them up and away we went. I didn't say I was "smart" I just said I wasn't afraid. Molly's shoe broke in half in the store, they fought over who got to sit where in the cart, then cried because they wanted to walk. The jewels and crowns were on again and off again, they wanted a toy or two, and I wanted to go home and rest. We did get some quizzical looks though, "WHAT, we dress like this everyday, don't they know that?"

More Prettiness....

Now, just in case you are wondering....she goes into her room all by herself and comes out dressed like this. She picks out her dress, adorns herself in jewels of her choice, and today, applied make-up again. How can I not stop and take pictures.
On this day she chose to wear matching Princess shoes, and to wear them on the right feet. I love her fat little feet, that her Papa calls "Flintstone Feet" 
Make note of the ear-rings, they however do not match today which is okay when you are a "Princess". When in doubt, wear one of each.
Cheese! Once again posing for Grandma. You must remember the phase she went through where I wasn't allowed to take her picture so most of my pictures were of the back of her head as she ran away from me and the camera. I must say, I like this phase much better.
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And, my favorite of all, when I actually get a picture of me and the Princess. It is not easy taking these pictures of myself and getting us in the lens but I am getting better at it. Maybe one day I will dress up in my best royalty attire and try a photo shoot. How much fun will that be.

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty

I just never know what she will do next. Chelsea has her own "make-up" that I believe I got her for Christmas. Great idea. More opportunities for photo shoots.

She was very proud of her cosmetology lesson, and ever so ready for me to take a picture of her beautiful make up.

Capturing these moments on film is one thing but it is another to experience them. I am learning that I have more patience than I ever thought I did, and to "not sweat the small stuff". She has got into this make up at some very inopportune times, and I have had to really check myself as to whether it was really that big of a deal. Don't be thinking I am a saint for this trait though, I recently missed a great photo opp by reacting to one of her "bad behaviour" moments, instead of capturing the moment.

Being a Grandma is the best job I have ever had. Absolutely PRICELESS!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

To Blog..or not to Blog..that is the question.

Lately I have read so many heart felt posts on why they blog and how they feel about their "comments". I have to admit, the very reason I began a blog is not what motivates me to continue with it.
My dear friend Ronda introduced me to the world of blogging. I loved going to her blog daily and so wished I had one too. But why? Although Ronda is one of my dearest friends, and the pictures she posted I may of seen before, I loved the thoughts she took the time to convey through her posts.
Since I have inherited the "Stevens" (my maiden name) blood, and letter writing is practically non existant, I wanted a way to stay in touch with my family that I don't get to see, and that I fail to send pictures to, although I may have taken just a few. I wanted them to get to see my immediate family and get to watch Chelsea grow, although they don't get to see her, and some have never have seen her.
And since our children don't live at home anymore, a place for them to know what is going on in their parents lives. A place for friends I haven't seen in way too long, to know that I am still alive, and what is happening in my part of the world.
So, for months I stressed over the perfect name for my blog. As much stressing as I did over it, I think it took my new friend Lindsay who I had just met about a few minutes to tell me the name and it stuck...."I am just too much" Thank you Lindsay for helping me overcome that obstacle and for being my new friend.
So, I sat down for hours and figured out how to run this blog site, and made my first post. I was so excited. I emailed all my family, my children and friends and told them about my new adventure that I would love them to take part in.
It hasn't been what I thought it would be for them, I don't really know if any of them have ever looked at it before, or the few that have just a few times. I email them and ask if they have looked and I get no response. It stings a bit, I won't lie. Its not about them leaving a "comment" although I do love them, it just makes me wonder why in the world I continue.
Every post I make I work so hard on to share my heart. I take the time to make my words count, to share a part of my heart that you may not always see.
I have come to the conclusion that even if those people never see one thing on my blog, I will keep on. I will share my heart even if no one reads this, because it is healing for me. I re-read every post I make and it ministers to me. It gives me hope, it makes me cry, it makes me laugh. It makes me REAL. It makes me take the time to soul-search, to reflect, to remember.
So, for me, I post. If others have the time to read the words I share, I am blessed. If they comment, I love it, if they don't, I understand. In the hustle and bustle of life, we just get too busy. I so understand that.
I don't always have the time to read all my friends blogs, but I am so blessed when I do. Every one has some bit of wisdom, insight, and inspiration that I draw from. Every one different, every one unique, some I have never met before and have no idea I have been to their blog, but touched just the same.
Maybe I need to sit down and write a letter to family that I haven't been in touch with and let them know I am alive. I think I will........