Monday, September 13, 2010

Making Cookies with Grandma

From the time Chelsea was old enough to sit up we have had her in the kitchen helping out, from playing in the sink, washing dishes to cooking and baking. Ryder has also got to join in the fun. I might mention that keeping an eye on two of them is a challenge at times as you will see.
I don't really have any memories of baking cookies with my Grandma's. I have other memories that I hold dear however. I know I can't do it all with them but it is so important to me to create as many memories as I can with my Grandchildren. I can't always be in the pictures with them but I think they will remember that I was there.
It is important that you have the proper attire when working in Grandma's kitchen. Here Chelsea is decked out in her cupcake apron. She also has matching "hotpots" as she calls them and I don't have the heart to correct her. She was sure to tell me that I needed a picture of her in her apron though...check out the pose!

On this occasion she was able to make the cookies from start to finish. I just helped measure but she knows how to run the mixer all by herself, add ingredients, crack eggs, scoop them on to the cookie sheets and put them in the oven all by herself. She even knows to get ice if she gets a little burn in the process.
So, I am guessing Ryder was feeling a little left out and I swear I turned my back for a few seconds and this is what I saw when I turned around. Yep! Up on the table to help out. He moves the chair out, climbs up on the chair and then it is just one more step up to get where he wants to be. Heck, I guess I could get him off the table, but I choose to get my camera instead. Look at him squatting there like he belongs right where he is at.
Notice how close he has moved to the bowl. Yes, he even knows how to pick the chocolate chips out of the dough and sample them. I am guessing his little pointer finger is telling me a story or two.

I just want to kiss those cheeks all day long. I want to keep them in my arms forever. These are the moments that take my breath away, the moments I etch on my heart. These are the memories I cherish..the everyday moments that I am so gratefull to get to be a part of.
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1st Grade

How can it be a year since I last posted? Shame on me. It certainly isn't because I didn't have pictures to post or things to share. I am guessing if you are reading this you have seen all those pictures on Facebook so I don't feel like a totally worthless blogger ;-)

Chelsea started 1st grade this year and I think she really is liking it. She has Mr. May for a teacher and from what I hear he is an awesome teacher. I wonder if he knows he has royalty in his classroom? I bet he has a classroom full of princesses.

Six years old....where has the time gone? With all of Chelsea's firsts I find myself reflecting back to when my kids were in the same place. I love to watch her grow and learn. She loves to read and is working hard on her math. Her eyes light up when she gets her answers right. She doesn't give up easily.

I didn't get to follow her to her first day of school this year but thank God Grandma Ronda was there to capture the moment. I had these pictures in my mailbox within an hour. Ryder got to take his sissy to school though and aren't they just the cutest kids you have ever seen? I am in love....they light up my life.
There are days..believe me...when I just want quiet, and then they walk in the door, their eyes light up and they run to me with open arms and I MELT. Energy restored.
Here's to a wonderful school year and possibly a few more posts.

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