Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Can Do It..Just Watch Me

Uncle Johnny, as she calls him, is so patient with Chelsea with his guitar. She sits by the guitar case just waiting for him to open it up and take it out. The first time she played he was amazed at how she uses both her hands. I think she is a star in the making. I wonder which talent she will pursue. I wonder if she has enough of her Grandma in her that she will try and pursue all of them and get a little overwhelmed....lets hope we can get her to focus and pursue at least a few of her talents.

She watches her Uncle Johnny so closely when he plays. It is amazing the things she picks up on. I guess we better be careful of our actions. I wouldn't want her to be watching closely and pick up on the wrong thing. So many things to remember when little eyes are watching, and little ears are listening. Lord, let me be a good example for this precious gift you have given me.

And, once again those eyes. Could she be any more precious? Have I told you how much I love her to pieces?
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A.S.K.-P. said...

That girl is just SOO ADORABLE!

She is soo lucky to have a Grandma like you!

Ronda said...

As long as she doesn't start dancing on the tables...that is reserved for you! :)

Lindsay said...

Precious!! Just precious!

LOVE your banner too - it's beautiful & makes me smile! :)

The Oregon Thorndikes said...

Your blog is so cute! I can't believe how much Chelsea has grown as well. You are a blessed lady! Love you!