Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Man I love this girl!

Chelsea and I had another fun play day today. The only difference was Sarah was here to capture some pictures for me. I can count on one hand how many pictures I have with Grandma and the Princess. Here she is to get this shot you have to lay on the ground and put your feet on her tummy then lift her in the air. She thinks this is a blast, and look "No hands, she is flying" If only you could hear her laughing too, it is worth whatever my body has to go through. I am sure the neighbors loved the view also.

And here we are playing around. I have her in a death grip to get her to hold still for the picture and I am tickling her so she will laugh. Well, it worked. She thinks it is real fun to tackle Grandma and throw her to the ground, then full body slam her. Good thing I have lots of cushion to absorb the blows.
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A.S.K.-P. said...

OMG! These are just TOO CUTE!

Ruth said...

I'm glad you got pictures with you and that adorable granddaughter. Thanks for the blog I'm loving it!

Melisa Jo said...

Great pictures Renee!!!! Love seeing you enjoy your granddaughter. Summers are just made for fun and smiles.

Lindsay said...

Love the name!
Love that you FINALLY did it!
Love that I can now read about a ROYAL life!!
Happy summer Renee!