Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chelsea, Don't.............

Some battles are just not worth the effort so I chose to grab my camera and capture the moment instead. My children would probably not totally understand this concept as I was too busy being a mother, which is a lot different than being a Grandma I have found. I am sure that I would of insisted that my kids get down off the railing immediately before they got hurt.
Notice, she is posing for me, this doesn't happen often. I can't just turn down an opportunity like that, now can I? I will add that no one was injured in any way in the posing of these pictures. I was able to save the plant that was sitting on the rail post and the pictures on the piano remained upright. What more could I ask for?

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A.S.K.-P. said...

OMG! That girl is just SOO CUTE & SOO YOU!

ADORABLE pics! LOVE her little sparkly tutu!

RobbinGaye said...

In regards to your 9-25-07 post....I love you Renee' matter me, a sister for life and a friend forever....XOXO

Stacy B said...

She is lucky to have such a great Grandma so close. Keep taking the pictures.

Melisa Jo said...

OK, I was there for this scary moment and I'm only an Aunt. All the mothers insist that she get down and you grandmothers smile and get the camera. Aunts have to leave the room because they can't handle the pressure!

Ronda said...

Way to go Grandma!!! Love that you got the camera out!

Lindsay said...

she and Mason will never be allowed to play together :)