Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty

I just never know what she will do next. Chelsea has her own "make-up" that I believe I got her for Christmas. Great idea. More opportunities for photo shoots.

She was very proud of her cosmetology lesson, and ever so ready for me to take a picture of her beautiful make up.

Capturing these moments on film is one thing but it is another to experience them. I am learning that I have more patience than I ever thought I did, and to "not sweat the small stuff". She has got into this make up at some very inopportune times, and I have had to really check myself as to whether it was really that big of a deal. Don't be thinking I am a saint for this trait though, I recently missed a great photo opp by reacting to one of her "bad behaviour" moments, instead of capturing the moment.

Being a Grandma is the best job I have ever had. Absolutely PRICELESS!

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Breathe Grandma, just breathe!
What are you talking about? She is such an angel... just look at the 3rd picture, they are sitting atop her head! Maybe I should come over for some cosmetology lessons!