Saturday, March 15, 2008

More Prettiness....

Now, just in case you are wondering....she goes into her room all by herself and comes out dressed like this. She picks out her dress, adorns herself in jewels of her choice, and today, applied make-up again. How can I not stop and take pictures.
On this day she chose to wear matching Princess shoes, and to wear them on the right feet. I love her fat little feet, that her Papa calls "Flintstone Feet" 
Make note of the ear-rings, they however do not match today which is okay when you are a "Princess". When in doubt, wear one of each.
Cheese! Once again posing for Grandma. You must remember the phase she went through where I wasn't allowed to take her picture so most of my pictures were of the back of her head as she ran away from me and the camera. I must say, I like this phase much better.
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And, my favorite of all, when I actually get a picture of me and the Princess. It is not easy taking these pictures of myself and getting us in the lens but I am getting better at it. Maybe one day I will dress up in my best royalty attire and try a photo shoot. How much fun will that be.


Ronda said...

I can't wait for that photo shoot! I can come over and take them for you if you are in need!
Chelsea's feet are just like her Grandma's!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

what a doll! I can just see yall in Walmart! what fun! you must be the funnest gma ever!!! of course!

Lacey Lichi said...

Love the photos. Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot alike?! You are such a good grandma~ she is one lucky girl.