Saturday, March 1, 2008

To Blog..or not to Blog..that is the question.

Lately I have read so many heart felt posts on why they blog and how they feel about their "comments". I have to admit, the very reason I began a blog is not what motivates me to continue with it.
My dear friend Ronda introduced me to the world of blogging. I loved going to her blog daily and so wished I had one too. But why? Although Ronda is one of my dearest friends, and the pictures she posted I may of seen before, I loved the thoughts she took the time to convey through her posts.
Since I have inherited the "Stevens" (my maiden name) blood, and letter writing is practically non existant, I wanted a way to stay in touch with my family that I don't get to see, and that I fail to send pictures to, although I may have taken just a few. I wanted them to get to see my immediate family and get to watch Chelsea grow, although they don't get to see her, and some have never have seen her.
And since our children don't live at home anymore, a place for them to know what is going on in their parents lives. A place for friends I haven't seen in way too long, to know that I am still alive, and what is happening in my part of the world.
So, for months I stressed over the perfect name for my blog. As much stressing as I did over it, I think it took my new friend Lindsay who I had just met about a few minutes to tell me the name and it stuck...."I am just too much" Thank you Lindsay for helping me overcome that obstacle and for being my new friend.
So, I sat down for hours and figured out how to run this blog site, and made my first post. I was so excited. I emailed all my family, my children and friends and told them about my new adventure that I would love them to take part in.
It hasn't been what I thought it would be for them, I don't really know if any of them have ever looked at it before, or the few that have just a few times. I email them and ask if they have looked and I get no response. It stings a bit, I won't lie. Its not about them leaving a "comment" although I do love them, it just makes me wonder why in the world I continue.
Every post I make I work so hard on to share my heart. I take the time to make my words count, to share a part of my heart that you may not always see.
I have come to the conclusion that even if those people never see one thing on my blog, I will keep on. I will share my heart even if no one reads this, because it is healing for me. I re-read every post I make and it ministers to me. It gives me hope, it makes me cry, it makes me laugh. It makes me REAL. It makes me take the time to soul-search, to reflect, to remember.
So, for me, I post. If others have the time to read the words I share, I am blessed. If they comment, I love it, if they don't, I understand. In the hustle and bustle of life, we just get too busy. I so understand that.
I don't always have the time to read all my friends blogs, but I am so blessed when I do. Every one has some bit of wisdom, insight, and inspiration that I draw from. Every one different, every one unique, some I have never met before and have no idea I have been to their blog, but touched just the same.
Maybe I need to sit down and write a letter to family that I haven't been in touch with and let them know I am alive. I think I will........


Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Hello! Beautiful post! I'm a friend of Beth's and new to just never know who's reading. I'll be stopping by again :)

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

I just love this post! As you can see I just sent my Sarah to your post today....we have been talking alot about blogs, why, and how it has changed us....I too think I would blog even if now one read has changed forces me to look at life differently. I don't know how to explain all the ins and outs of how it has changed just has. For the better.
Sort of like meeting Renee, it changes you, somehow, for the better!

Lindsay said...

You my dear friend are a precious jewel!
Your whit, your humor, your spunk, your charm, your heart, your love... they make you the woman that I was blessed to meet just about 1 year ago I think.
It's kinda like the movie "Jerry Maguire"... you had me at HELLO!

I treasure your friendship, even though I can count on one hand how many times I've been with you in person. You are real. You are true. You are a blessing.

Thank you for blogging. Thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you for being "Just TOO much!"

Love you sweet girlfriend & hope to see you soon! :)

Carla said...

Hi Renee!
I'm going to try to do this again. I LOVE your blog. Don't ever feel like you aren't touching some one...your are!

Suzie said...

I love your blog. I read it regularly. I look to you for knowledge and laughter. One of these days, when my life is more exciting I might start one too. lol

Hugs my dear, you're doing a wonderful job putting your thoughts down on your blog.

Suzie said...

I just posted the scrappy_sue comment and wanted to let you know who I really am. lol


Stacey said...

Hi! I am a friend of Beth P's and I like reading your blog! Very heartfelt!

And it should be for you! It's a journal, right?

Melisa Jo said...

Oh, I said I wasn't going to cry, but I will admit I did well up a bit in the eye area. Smile. My blog is about accountability. You (Renee) actually gave me the idea to post my weight loss journey. Thanks! I have to say that there are times that I have felt that my blogging just wasn't "deep" enough compared to everyone else, the things in my life are much different from my friends. I mean I don't have the whole husband, kid thing and so sometimes I wonder if I can even compete. It took reading Stacy's blog and your post to know that everyone blogs for a different reason and it's ok if mine is different. Thanks.

sueellieslife said...

I Love your blog.
I truly wonder at my writing ability and spelling, but your stories always touch me and I'm laughing or crying right along with you!
I also check to see who's left a comment,and always hope to see one. I will start leaving more on others know that old saying---"DO TO OTHERS"
Keep posting, your blog would be greatly missed!!!
Love ya~

Stacy B said...

Well, if nothing else my little breakdown last week generated a lot of thought and conversation. I, too, love blogging. My point was that I needed to step back and not care whether or not people were commenting. I am doing it for myself, my friends, my family, and my history. I love hearing that people are reading what is going on in our lives. Great post. I'm glad you are blogging, your words always touch all those who are reading.

Anne said...

So...if you never blogged...I would never know more of you sit behind me in church sometime...your daughter has taught my girls to swim...your husband honked his fire truck horn at Athena and I once when we were out walking and I NEARLY had a are an awesome scrapbooker...and ornament have designed at least 10 of the girls' name ornaments on my Christmas tree. You blog...and you make connections...even when you don't know it!

One thing I know now because I have read your that those 'things' that my kids do that send me up the wall...are the same 'things' that you get such a KICK out of when your little Chelsea does them. I've learned from you...I need to laugh my way through those times instead of scream and cry!

Ronda said...

Renee, my dear Renee, I LOVE YOU! For who you are, that's all. Blog for you. Blogging brings out a side of you that not very many people get to see. You are "just too much" and I love that about you. Not matter what you do, you do it with your whole heart. Keep blogging my friend!