Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mountain Top Dreaming

I have a dream.....of one day owning a home in the mountains that has a view like this one. Mark and I took a day and went for a drive up Tolgate. No plans, no time limit, just "Us" time. I was in heaven. It's funny, the things I loved about going to the ocean are the same things I love about the mountains, although I would never dream to live so close to the ocean. I love the fresh air, and the smells so unique to the mountains. I love the peace I feel when we leave the city and head up the mountain. I love the sounds, the sound of the wind as it comes up the canyon and blows through the trees, God speaking in a different way to our spirit.
We walked on trails, I took pictures of flowers, but the best part was just sitting on the mountain side and enjoying the view, the peace we both felt, just us, sitting, listening, enjoying our "us" time.

Now, don't get me wrong...I don't love the mountains so much that I want to grab a sleeping bag and a tent and set up camp. That tent would have to have a very large air mattress in it, not to mention a few other luxuries from home. No, my dream is of a log home, big and open with windows open to a view like we had. Mark's dreams aren't quite a "big" as mine are, he thinks a little home will do..........huh...where would I put all my stuff?
For today, I dream. I plot, I plan, I take a nap.


Melisa Jo said...

Yes, a home away from the city would be a dream come true for me too. I don't even have to have the awesome view, just away from all that comes with a city. And since we are dreaming..... I'd also like to quit my job and stay home in my home away from the city.

Anonymous said...

We all need our dreams. Me, I need nature, in the city, in the mountains, at the ocean.