Monday, July 21, 2008

World Travelers

Okay, so maybe we didn't see the world but anytime we get to get out of Pendleton it is a treat. Mark and I once again headed to Lincoln City for a little vacation. Five nights and six days of doing nothing. I loved it. I waited about ten minutes before I started in asking him if we were there yet and how much longer. I couldn't resist! I think he was grateful that I nodded off for an hour or so.

At times I felt like a child again, I felt the anticipation growing the closer we got. You know the signs by the scenery around you. You leave the desert, you go through the Gorge, you pray you will find your way through Portland and not miss the turn off (which we did), through the Willamette Valley and into the beautiful forest of trees that lead you to the ocean. In every turn I felt more and more excited, wondering if the next turn would be the one that opened up to the view of the ocean. And happens! You smell it, you hear it, and finally, you can see ocean for as far and you can see.

I spent two hours one day by myself walking the beach, no camera, no shoes (flip flops fit perfect in my back pockets) just me, myself and I. It took me most of that time to just make my mind stop racing, it tends to go on tangents most of the time.

In everything I saw and heard I just couldn't help but sing to myself,

"Our God is an Awesome God".... I think he went on that walk with me, side by side, just me and my God. As my mind would wander he seemed to gently tap me on my shoulder and turn back to him. It was a journey we took together, where I think He showed me just how awesome, how big, and how wonderful He really is.

In every wave, He was there.

In every rock, pebble, and seashell, He was there.

In every grain of sand, yep, there He was.

He warmed me with His sunshine,

He energized me in the breeze of the ocean air.

He caused my heart to praise Him as I walked along. Something I haven't done in too long.

I really can't recall ever walking the beach by myself before like that. It was good for me, I learned a little bit more about myself on that walk. Even when my body isn't moving, my mind is is plotting and planning, it is making lists, it is creating and working. It gets side tracked very easy and gets a lot of things going at one time. Imagine know what, when you are praising God your mind can't be doing all those things. It focuses on Him alone. I loved the gentle nudges that brought me back to the praising.

Mark and I got a lot of rest, we went for short drives, we walked through shops and galleries. We walked the beach, we found our "special rocks and seashells", we ate when we got around to it, we napped when we felt like it, and enjoyed our time alone together. (His phone didn't ring once while we were there)

So, here we are, heading to the beach. Believe it or not I got very few pictures while we were there. Thought you would enjoy this one though.....LOL!
This was taken our last night at the coast, you really had to see it in person, it was beautiful. Just another reminder of how AWESOME our God really is.


Lindsay said...

WOW!! What an awesome experience :)

I LOVE that picture & I'm glad you had a wonderful time spending time with Mark and God! :)

Love to you friend... hope to see you soon!

Melisa Jo said...

So glad you could enjoy your little vacation. Everyone needs a break, a change of scenery and the ocean is just one of the best places to sort out one's mind.

Still missed ya!

A.S.K.-P. said...


Hey Lady! soo glad you got to get out of here, relax and enjoy yourself and time w/ Mark. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

Miss You!
GB Hugs!

Anonymous said...

You described exactly why we go to the beach every year. It's perfect for discovering self and God and for doing nothing.