Sunday, February 22, 2009

FINALLY! Ryder has made a Grand Entrance

The first call came at 9:56 pm telling me her water broke but no pain or contractions. Well heck, Chelsea and I had just snuggled in for a sleep over so I told Sarah to call when things got going. Next phone call.....12:32 AM..not much progress but time to go anyway. Man, I just entered into that nice deep sleep, good thing I got that much sleep because I certainly didn't get any more of it.
Labor got very hard around 5 AM and poor Sarah had no relief. She was begging for just a little break and there really was none. I thought for sure it would be anytime...but still a 5! They didn't get her pain meds until around 7 and finally an epidural around 9:45, but then time to push.

Finally, Ryder Zeth made his appearance.
February 22, 2009
10:56 AM
9lbs 4 ounces 23 inches long

He has a bit of a cone head from the suction they had to use to get him out, but I think it is a beautiful cone head! Don't you just love his cheeks.

Chelsea walked in the room and wouldn't have anything to do with her mom or dad. They are traitors you know. For a little Princess to have to share her kingdom with a Prince will take some getting use to. Here she is warming up to the idea.

And here we are with Auntie Christen.

You just never know how much love your heart can hold. I thought my heart was filled to over flowing with Chelsea, but God has a way of just giving your heart more and more room. I just love being a Grandma. Have I ever told you that before? Stay tuned for more. I am exhausted and ready for bed. This is hard work you know.
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Suzie said...

Just precious. He's HUGE! Glad you got to be there for the birth.

Now you're going to have to shop for Tonka trucks, Brio trains and boy clothes. Not as much fun as pink frilly things, but a joy anyway.

Looks like your arms are full with love. Enjoy every minute of it and be glad you're a young grandma. These 2 will have lots of memories with you they'll treasure for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous said...

Big baby... and adorable. Enjoy, Grandma.

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

he is the most beautiful cone head I have ever ever ever seen!!! cute!! congrats!!!!!

RobbinGaye said...

There IS NOTHING like being a grandparent! All our love to you and PaPa and Sarah & Chelsea. He is very handsome!

Lindsay said...

so, so excited for you & your family!

Congrats!! :)

Lindsay said...
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