Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Little Star

I can't help it, she makes me laugh.
She makes me smile.
She makes me want to sing.
She makes me want to dance.
She makes me feel young again.

We have the CD. We have the movie. She can sing and dance to either one. She knows which actor sings which song, and she knows most of the moves. Some of the lyrics she hasn't got down yet but it hasn't slowed her down one bit.

It's hard to get good video in the kitchen but if that is where she is performing then that is where I go.....after all, it is all about her. Of course I have lots more video to post so check back. Got the dance moves down with the movie the other night.
So, what is it that makes you smile? What makes you laugh and dare to be silly again? I hope your day is filled with such things...if you can't find something in your day to make you smile or laugh, give me a call. I am sure I can come up with something to help you out.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

oh my word that is priceless!!!!

Suzie said...

I wish I would have caught Becky doing all that fun stuff at that age! She sang to the Lion King soundtrack. lol

Precious and cherish every moment she's adorable like this!

Did you use your old record player for these songs?? lol

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! This girl has NONE of her grandma in her!!! I miss her. Glad she entertains you so much.

kirsten said...

she IS a dancing queen!!!!