Monday, February 23, 2009

Sharing the Love

You just never know when you are creating a memory. The things that a child holds dear, the things that they remember. Here Ryder is only a few hours old and Chelsea brings me my book and my glasses and wants me to read to them. Is there anything cuter than that. Of course my heart melted right away, so I put my glasses on, (which I can't see the words without), opened up my book and made up some words. They quickly turned in to a song I have sang to Chelsea since she was born...rock a bye baby. As soon as Chelsea gets out of the tubby she asks me to pick her up and sing her our song. Yes, I do it everytime, no questions asked. And now, she is willing to share our song with her brother. I will admit I have been very worried how she would re-act to sharing me with her brother one and so far she is okay with it. Notice she is close by though.

Chelsea could not wait to get home to see her brother again. She stayed with us until they got home from the hospital and then I took her home. She sprinted out of the car and as she ran in the house she said, "I am so excited to see my brother." Melted my heart right there. Last night she woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare (which she has never done before) and told me a bear was trying to take her brother away from her. After some reassuring she went back to sleep but she remembered all about it when she got up and repeated the dream to me and Papa.

Twenty four hours old and already changing. His face is a little blotchy today from his fingernails, which Sarah had me file since she was scared to do it. His cone head is almost back to normal now, and I still think he is the cutest Prince I have ever seen. He whispered in my ear that I am his favorite by far but it is our little secret. I can't wait to see him grow, to experience all his "firsts" with him. To build memories he can hold dear for his life.

My heart is full.
I want to quit my job and just be a full time Grandma.
I want them to always know me, to have all kinds of stories to treasure of fun times we have spent together.
I want to build sandcastles on the beach with them,
run in mud puddles with them,
play at the park with them,
build memories with them.
I never want a day to go by that they don't know how much I love them.
Do I dream too big? I don't think so.......I am up for the challenge.
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Anonymous said...

Precious! And no, you don't dream too big. I want the same thing.

Melisa Jo said...

Yesterday Renee told me she was a grandma. I had to inform her that she was a grandma before I went on vacation and she said, "Ok then, maybe a SUPER grandma". I would agree whole-heartedly that you are a SUPER grandma and I'm pretty sure your dreams are not too big!!! Congratulations Grandma Renee - he's beautiful. Can't wait to see the "unpink" things you will create for Ryder!

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

you sure know how to make me cry!!!