Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pondering on Thankfulness and Treasures

Don't you just love it when you are asked to make a list of what you are thankful for..and then you struggle with even making a list. So, it isn't that I am not thankful, I think my disorder is I think the list has to be perfect and say all the right things. And why is it that is seems to be Thanksgiving time before we make these lists? My challenge to myself is to make them more often, make them real, make them from my heart.
I am Thankful that my husband is home safely from 2 weeks in Rwanda. Probably the longest two weeks I can remember for quite some time. We take for granted that we see someone everyday, can call them anytime, communicate with them, lean on them. For two weeks there was no communicating, just a few incoming emails but unable to respond back.

(FYI: Full grown man standing next to Mark, and they are the same age)
I am thankful for a marriage that has stood the test of time, through too many ups and downs. For a husband who is committed to "US", and understands unconditional love (He may of had to draw on that a few times).
As I looked at the pictures Mark brought home, and listened to his stories, I couldn't help but be very thankful for so many of the comforts we take for granted. The first things we think of when we ponder on what we are thankful for are the obvious: home, family, love, friends, when I look at the homes these people live in, I am blown away by just how spoiled I am. I don't live in a one room shack smaller than my bathroom, made of sticks with mud plastered on it, sleep on a dirt floor, wear the same clothes everyday, walk 10 miles to church, wonder what my next meal will be.
And yet, with every picture I saw, there were smiles on everyone's faces. They sing, they dance, their poverty hasn't broken them. Can I say the same thing? Not always, I will be honest. Can I challenge myself to focus more on what I am thankful for than what I think I am lacking? I can try. After all, our true happiness should come not from things on the outside, but what is on the inside, what is in my heart.
"Because where your treasure is,(that which we value most) there your heart will be also." I am challenged today to treasure the one thing that should be my highest treasure, my relationship with God. Sadly enough, I let things, circumstances, other relationships, take more priority more often than not. I get sideways, I let life take over instead of letting God steer this vessel. Oh, I know I am not alone, we are all human, we all were given our own "will" to make our own choices, and we all let our focus get blurry at times. We all grab ahold of the steering wheel and refuse to let go. I am sure God is thrilled when I let go with a few fingers, only to grab on with my toes, it is so hard to let go, to not be in charge, it scares me and leaves me vulnerable.
I have been given so many Treasures, in heaven and on earth. So much to be thankful for, so much to stop taking for granted. In moments I choose to not be thankful...I am unthankful..bottom line! OUCH! So today, I check my attitude (which may take some time) and re-focus, re-evaluate, re-direct my thoughts and actions. When all is said and done, I want to be real and all God wants me to be. If you don't know that I love the Lord and it comes as a shock to you, then I haven't let his love shine through me for all to see, I have let ME be the shining star and not Him.
What are you thankful for today?
Where are your treasures?
I am making a list and checking it twice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Renee. Well said. I just returned from a third world country and I'm thankful for my own bed, my health and my husband and children. I'm really thankful for my freedom and my faith.